Anti-Pollution Skincare Tips for the Urban Woman

Despite the existence of extremely effective daily creams like Jovees Sandalwood Protection Day Cream and Jovees Herbals Aloe Vera Moisturizer, your skin requires extra care in this highly polluted atmosphere.

The Effects of Pollution on Your Skin


According to studies, women who spend the majority of their lives in cities would have skin that appears older at a given age than those who reside in less polluted rural locations. Gas particles that are released from automobile emissions, chemical refineries, vehicle smoke, and many other human activities make up polluted air. By destroying the collagen and other crucial components that maintain your skin smooth and youthful, pollutants can harm this protective barrier.


What can You Do to Protect Your Skin from Pollution?

Simply washing the face with a natural face wash would not be enough. When you are exposing your skin to Delhi’s hazardous pollution, it needs deep cleansing everyday. In this article, we will also talk about a few home remedies on how you can protect your skin from pollution. 


Follow the practices given below: 

  • Remove Makeup and Cleanse Deeply

We know that you use the right makeup remover every day but skin that faces pollutants everyday needs some extra care. After you remove your makeup, use a deep-clean face wash to get rid of the pollutants from the pores of your skin. Jovees Natural Neem Face Wash is a great skin cleanser as it contains natural neem, lemon and tea tree oil extracts. Medicinal properties of neem purify your skin from settled pollutants and mitigate acne breakouts. Also, this face wash is paraben free and alcohol free which would be bliss for your skin in such hazardous conditions.

  • Use Serum to Give an Additional Layer of Protection

A lot of people are skeptical about using skin serums but they have some amazing properties and will be really helpful in maintaining the protective layer of your skin. It is better to use a natural serum such as Jovees Herbals Advanced Anti-Ageing Serum. Made from natural aloe vera gel, argan oil and wheat germ oil, this serum can work wonders on your skin. It enhances your skin’s defensive powers against environmental pollution and stressful conditions. Early age skin dullness is also a result of too many pollutants which can be mitigated using this serum.

  • Use the Right Day Cream/Moisturiser

You would give anything to regain the plump and glowing skin you used to have, right? The mantra is to wear the right type of daily cream. Jovees Herbals Avocado & Chamomile Hydra Intense Moisturiser is a good option. It provides natural nourishment to your skin and does not feel too heavy on your face. This daily-use moisturiser also has antibacterial properties and boosts skin collagen which is all you could ask for in these trying times of Delhi Pollution. If you have dry skin, pollution can make it drier and patchy. Jovees White Water Lily Moisturising Lotion would provide the much needed hydration to your skin and the botanical extracts will protect it.

  • Exfoliate Twice a Week

Your skin will need to get rid of those pollutants that have already been absorbed and exfoliation is the best way to do that. Use a gentle face scrub that clears your skin and gives it nourishment. We would advise you to get one with natural ingredients such as Jovees Papaya and Honey Mud Scrub. It gently clears the dead skin layer leaving your skin luminous. Please note that if you already have acne on your skin, you should avoid scrubbing at all costs.

  • Allow your Skin to Rejuvenate at Night

When you are sleeping, your skin is doing its job of rejuvenation. You can help your skin’s natural process by applying a nourishing night cream that allows greater oxygenation and revitalises the skin. Jovees Avocado Night Cream is a must try product.


Home Remedies to Protect Your Skin from Pollution

If you do not want to use cosmetic products, you can try the following home remedies to maintain the glow on your skin even during high pollution. You should note that home remedies have different effects on different types of skin. One who already has a soft and plump skin would get results more quickly than someone with acne or dryness. Nevertheless, here are a few remedies that you can try. 


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